Category Archives: Doodle-Bomb

“Syncopated” Opening

“Syncopated,” my latest solo show opened on Friday, March 6th, 2015 at SocraTea. The show includes recent paintings, doodlebombs, and posca drawings on paper grocery bags from Whole Foods Market, Trader Joes and Papa Joe’s Marketplace.

Tigers and Bears on grocery bags Oh My!

Tigers and Bears on grocery bags Oh My!

Wishing Bling Painting

“Wishing” mixed media painting on sintra board.

In early February I had a flood of sorts in my apartment and sadly two doodlebombs (Niel Tyson/Cosmic Badass on Mental Floss and Skrillex on Rolling Stone) were destroyed by the water. I lieu of those, I added two doodlebombs I have never shown before one of which is “Kimono.”.

Kimono Doodlebomb

Kimono Doodlebomb

The show will be up until March 30th so there is still time to catch it while you have a spot of tea.



“Syncopated” Solo Show at SocraTea


My solo show “Syncopated” opens tonight: March 6th, 6 to 9 pm  at SocraTea in Detroit. The show includes paintings, doodlebombs and my latest thing drawing and painting on paper grocery bags. Come on in an Arty Hard!


Interview with ARA Newspaper

Within the last month I was approached via email by a freelance Spanish journalist for an article she was writing about doodlebombs. I agreed to be interviewed and responded to her questions  and sent her several high res images of some of the magazine covers I have drawn over. The article appeared in Ara, a daily Catalan newspaper, and also featured Ana Strumpf and Lucas Levitan. The questions ranged from: “when and why did you start remaking magazine covers?”; “is it for fun or is it for professional reasons?”; “what is a doodle-bomb?”; “name some favorite artists” and “is there a message behind your doodlebombs?” Two of my images were used as thumbnails in the article and my quotes were sprinkled about with the other artists. It was a big thrill to be interviewed by Laura Sangrá for Ara.

Two page spread from ARA-CAT

Two page spread from ARA-CAT

In a nutshell for those who do not read Catalan; I doodlebomb for fun and creative expression, but would welcome the opportunity to bomb a cover professionally. I love so many artists; Andy Warhol has always been my favorite and probably always will be. My doodlebombs are a longing to see fun and fab illustration in a sea of photography on the magazine stand. Everyone should find a magazine, pick up a marker and start drawing–it’s alot of fun!

Pamela Anderson Doodlebomb NoTofu magazine.

My Pamela Anderson Doodlebomb on NoTofu.

Doodle Bomb: The Creative Process

The Tiger Girl doodle bomb, or “bombette” as my friend Megan calls it, is done!  While other doodle bombs, or re-covers, have been done tongue-in-cheek or as an homage to the covers’s subject, this one is more of a transformation of demure cover model Elle Fanning into a Bridgitte Bardot inspired Tiger Girl. Let’s take a look at the before and after and in-between photos.

Elle Fanning Interview Magazine

Interview Magazine original cover.

First step was to give her the “kattsy” treatment: stripes, eyes, ears and a mouth shaped like a heart.

Tiger stripes--the transformation begins!

Tiger stripes–the transformation begins!

Sometimes I like to draw on clear film overlays or color copies to work out basic ideas for my doodles. The orange one was a Josie and the Pussycats inspired look.

Orange Tiger Girl.

Orange Tiger Girl.

The blue one was inspired by one of my own paintings. The cheetah print and blue background idea stuck and I used it for the final image. The use of cheetah print reminds me of the Interview Magazine covers of my youth as illustrated by Richard Bernstein.

Blue Tiger Girl.

Blue Tiger Girl.

In the end I decided I would not draw over the open chest area and instead let it contrast the busy cheetah background. Most of the work was completed using Posca markers, excepting the hair which I wanted to have a hand tinted look so I used a marker that was not opaque. I really liked the blue outline around the stripes idea, but decided to go with the black stripes on skin for the final.

Elle Fanning Tiger Girl.

Elle Fanning Tiger Girl.

Work in Progress: Interview Magazine Doodle-Bomb

Yesterday I started a new magazine doodle-bomb and I thought it would be fun to post “in progress” pictures. I’ve always been fascinated by the creative process and how ideas take shape.

Demure cover model transformed  into Tiger Girl!

Demure cover model transformed into Tiger Girl!

So far the cover model is covered in my signature “kattsy stripes.” I played around with some clear acetate overlay to think out some background ideas but because of the glare I didn’t photograph the magazine with the acetate overlay, but I’m thinking of continuing the animal print theme with the background.

A Doodle-Bomb by Any Other Name.

When we are young we draw on everything with anything; we draw inside and outside the lines—when you’re young anything goes. By high school we are drawing all over our notebooks, often filling up the margins around the notes we are taking. I remember drawing, or doodling if you prefer, over books and comics as a kid. I especially enjoyed drawing mustaches on everyone I’d see in print, even dogs! As a teenager I’d often give magazine covers and advertisements the Andy Warhol faux silkscreen treatment. Sometimes a blank sheet of paper or canvas can be intimidating, so drawing on a magazine or ad can be liberating.

“Doodlebombing,” “doodle-bomb,” “re-cover” and “mixed media” are accepted terms for drawing over photos or magazines. I wish there was a better term for this thing most of us have done in our lifetime. In the digital age, “collage,” “photo-montage,” and “mixed media” are terms often used to describe the same process. The world of graffiti has so many words to describe everything from tags to bombings (a good short read on the subject can be found on post: Graffiti Designs & Styles: Tagging, Bombing and Painting).

When I started posting my doodlebombs I felt alot of my friends just didn’t get it. Why would I draw on a magazine when I could draw on a blank sheet of paper? The short answer is “why not!” Doodlebombing is just another form of creative expression giving one the chance to play art director and illustrator. I think maybe every now and then I need to post a before & after picture or ‘work-in-progress’ photos to help show the creative process of a doodlebomb.


As you can see the before & after pictures of my Twiggy doodle-bomb, I echoed one of her famous Vogue covers by drawing a flower over the eye and created a mod, psychedelic ’60s look for the background. (I like my work to have a sense of history if possible).

Doodling on a magazine can be as involved as you want it to be or as simple as using a black marker. You can draw on anything you like—even a banana or a grain of rice, as seen in Turtle Wayne’s Blog post 10 Fun Things To Doodle On.
If you are looking for a supportive group of doodle lovers I suggest Doodlers Anonymous they even have a tumblr devoted to the craft: Doodlebomb! To see more of my doodle-bombs please see my flickr album: Doodle-Bombs.

Happy Doodling!